
May 23, 2016

Sunday Riley Ceramic Slip Cleanser : Is it worth the price?

This is the most expensive facial cleanser I've ever had in my entire life. Even more expensive compared to my mom's SK-II, hahaha.

Bought it last year, a month before I got married. Simply because I was trying my luck with all the goodness this product claims.

These are from Cult Beauty:
The first step towards a flawless, doll-like complexion, Sunday Riley's Ceramic Slip Cleanser is a must-have for those in pursuit of perfect skin. Gently foaming, its' potent blend of ingredients - including uber-expensive French Green Clay - lifts grime, absorbs impurities, tightens pores and gently exfoliates, so skin becomes smoother, clearer & more refined. Sunday believes the key to healthy skin lies in marrying botanical ingredients with biotechnology to unleash their potential & save our skins!
This lightly foaming cleanser contains a cocktail of vitamins, minerals & essential oils to tone & balance normal to combination skin. Refined French Green Clay draws out impurities while Vitamin C reduces the appearance of discolouration & stimulates collagen production for a plumper, dewy complexion. Black Pepper promotes circulation, Sandalwood combats areas of sensitivity, Jasmine soothes & restores while Frankincense encourages healthy cell growth for firmer, porcelain-smooth skin. 

It was a gamble to buy this one since I have sensitive skin and the price is quite unreasonable. It was idr 700k for 125 ml, purchased it from (the cheapest around other online shop). Turned out: my skin loves it!

Actually I just purchased the second bottle just earlier this month. So on me, a bottle could last about 6 to 7 months, really a deal right, so yes it is pricier, but I can use it in a long time. Pat on my back, good job, Yun!

I use it every morning and evening. For evening, this is my second cleanser, because I clean my makeup first with extra virgin olive oil. The thing is, if I get too lazy, and just use this cleanser as the only cleanser, it works well too. It could cleanse even my eye makeup.

The packaging comes with a plastic bottle, but not a cheap plastic, don't worry. It looks simple and sleek, and it is very travel-friendly. It has nice cap that can be open and close for convenient sake.

The smell is quite unusual, some reviews said they don't like it, but for me it smells organic and healthy, not artificial fragrance whatsoever. It is quite therapeutic for me to just smell it. Seriously.

This cleanser does not dry my skin, leaves my skin clean, and most important one it does not irritate my sensitive skin. In more than 6 months use, I feel my complexion is getting clearer, I can be biased, but I really think this cleanser works THAT well on me. I used to have flaky skin around my cheeks, and it was long gone now. FYI, I don't use any other Sunday Riley, just this one. And it is already THAT good (Imagine if I use all the range! But for now, I am good with this only one, until I get some gut and money to splurge other Sunday Riley's).

So, yes, it is worth the price.

May 16, 2016

I got interviewed by Female Daily!

Jadi ceritanya beberapa waktu lalu, tim Female Daily kontek aku via email, melalui mbak Dara, nanyain apa aku bersedia di-interview oleh FD terkait skincare yang biasa aku gunakan. Aku langsung iya-in aja ya, karena it's really my pleasure to share!  

Sebelum itu memang aku suka tulis review di FD, nah ternyata kalau dihitung-hitung banyak skincare natural & organik yang aku review, jadi tim FD pilih aku. 

Link-nya bisa klik di sini.

Rekomendasi Skincare untuk Kulit Kering dari Yunie, Top Reviewer FD

Kalau kemarin kamu sudah tahu rekomendasi produk-produk natural dari The Queen Bees, kali ini saya mewawancarai salah satu Top Reviewer FD, Yunie Henoek, dan ngobrol-ngobrol tentang skincareuntuk kulit kering.
Rekomendasi Skincare untuk Kulit Kering Dari Yunie, Top Reviewer FDFoto:
1. Sejak kapan mulai sadar untuk merawat kulit lebih telaten?
Pas udah kerja. Kan di ruangan ber-AC terus, jadi kerasa banget muka kering dehidrasi. Dry patches juga muncul terus-terusan. Mulai deh cari-cari skincare yang cocok and thank God, ketemu thread Natural & Organic Skincare di Female Daily.
2. Apa rutinitas skincare yang paling penting menurut kamu?
Bersihin muka! Ini step krusial banget di aku. Kalo nggak cuci muka dengan benar bisa langsung jerawatan. Apalagi kalau sampai salah pakai sabun cuci muka yang nggak cocok, pasti langsung kering, dry patches di mana-mana, bahkan kadang sampai merah dan gatal.
3. Ada nggak treatment kulit yang nggak akan pernah mau kamu coba?
Sejenis peeling gitu kali ya. Karena kan kulit muka seolah “dipaksa” mengelupas. I believe my skin has its own power to regenerate. Mungkin juga karena aku bukan pemakai skincare aliran ‘garis keras’, hehehe.
4. Brand natural & organic apa yang pertama kali kamu coba?
Sensatia Botanicals. Brand ini brand lokal Indonesia, lho. Asalnya dari Bali.
(Editor’s note: Tim editorial Female Daily juga baru mencoba berbagai macam produk dari Sensatia Botanicals, lho. Nantikan artikelnya akhir minggu ini, ya!) :D
Rekomendasi Skincare untuk Kulit Kering Dari Yunie, Top Reviewer FD
5. Produk natural apa yang ampuh untuk mengatasi masalah kulit kamu sekarang ini?
Mukaku sering banget kering dan muncul dry patches dan sejauh ini yang bisa mengurangi masalah itu yaitu Goodness Chia Seed OilMy skin is more hydrated now.
6. Merasakan perbedaan apa setelah mencoba produk skincare natural dan organik? Beda nggak ama chemical-based skincare?
Beda banget! Yang pasti sejak pakai skincare organik kulit muka jadi lebih ‘kalem’. Sampai sekarang sebenarnya masih trial and error dengan segala jenis skincare. Tapi yang pasti produk dengan SLS dan paraben udah pasti bikin mukaku kering dan mengelupas.
7. Berdasarkan pengalaman kamu, beda nggak sih performa produk natural dan chemical? Misalnya, produk natural mungkin lebih lama menunjukkan hasil, dsb.
Natural and organic products definitely take longer time to show skin’s improvement. Tapi ini menurutku yang sehat dan aman buat kulitku untuk jangka panjang, karena ingredients yang digunakan tidak ada yang harsh jadi memang butuh waktu lebih lama dari pada chemical based skincare. Selain itu, karena aku memang lagi hamil juga (almost 20 weeks now) jadi concern pakai produk natural dan organik jadi makin tinggi.
8. Ada nggak produk skincare natural versi lokal yang kamu suka?
Aku suka Virgin Coconut Oil dari Blue Stone Botanicals. Ini juga brand dari Bali. VCO ini gunanya banyak. Salah satunya aku suka pakai ini as a makeup remover. Efektif banget dan nggak bikin mata pedih.
9. Produk natural yang dipakai saat ini hanya untuk wajah atau merangkap bath & body dan haircare? Kalau iya, apa produk yang dipakai?
Untuk bath & body sekarang lagi coba Moogoo Milk Wash. Kondisi kulit badanku juga sama kayak muka, jadi kalau ada produk yang nggak cocok langsung kering dan gatal-gatal. Pakai Moogoo ini lumayan enak, nggak bikin kering dan gatal, baru coba sample-nya doang sih, jadi belum bisa review terlalu detail.
Terus terang masih trial and error juga sih sampai sekarang untuk sabun badan. Contohnya aku sempet nyoba Dr.Bronner Magic Soap seri Baby Unscented Pure Castile Liquid Soap yang klaimnya certified organic tapi masih bikin kulit kering. Contoh lain: brand Sunday Riley bukan organik tapi aku cocok banget sama sabun mukanya yang Ceramic Slip Clay Cleanser.
Untuk hair care juga dari brand yang sama, Moogoo Milk Shampoo. Cuma sebulanan pakai kok muncul ketombe. Jadi masih gantian pakai sama shampoo Sebamed Anti Dandruff (which is masih mengandung Sulfat).
All in all let’s try find out what suit best for your skin in a safe way. Aku pribadi nggak pakai obat dokter atau ke klinik kecantikan karena seringkali hasilnya terlalu instan menurutku. I’m happy doing trial and error using OTC products!
10. Apa produk skincare natural & organic yang paling ingin kamu coba sekarang?
Trilogy Rosehip Oil! Or anything from Antipodes or Aesop.

May 12, 2016

#PregnancyUpdate : 22 Weeks

Actually there is nothing much to write about my pregnancy. I feel the same, the different is just the size of my belly.

Oh I got one! My baby starts kicking around 20 weeks. It feels weird, really, but it feels so magical. Like the baby wants to make a contact with me. I feel the kicks around afternoon and around bed time. This bed time can be really exciting, because I always put Calvin's hand on my belly, so he can feel the kicks too. But many times, he just missed it hahaha, poor him.

My appetite is still the same. I don't really crave any particular food. I just can't eat big, because my belly will feel so uncomfortable. I love any food that I used to love before pregnancy, just with a smaller portion.

I sleep a lot on Sunday, like 9-10 hours straight, just wake up one time to pee. Which I find so blissful, because I work Monday to Saturday, and I can only sleep 7-8 hours.

Oh I frequently get legs cramps in my sleep! It was so hurt I had to wake Calvin up, so he could pull my legs. Later I learn that every time I get cramp I just have to pull my leg straight, half in the air, and all the pain is gone. Thank you husband!

About the belly button. Mine right now is about to pop out, but not just yet. I see it kind of gross, because my belly button looks dark >,<. I tried to clean it up by using a cotton bud and olive oil, but the color is still dark. Uh oh.

I try to communicate with my baby as often as I can, like saying good morning or good night, reading the bible out loud too, or "hello bao bei, mommy have an important meeting today, so please be nice with me today okayyyy" hehehe, I know the feeling right now, that a mother loves the baby even if he/she hasn't born :")

And last but not least. My belly pictures!

Taken by husband and a tripod. Hahaha. I love my growing belly so much!

16 weeks
22 weeks

May 4, 2016

Sulwhasoo Clarifying Mask : Facial mask that REALLY works on me

So I've been told that only cleanse and moisture your face not enough. You need to tone, scrub, exfoliate and more over mask them. I once was a user of Erha Clinic, and the aesthetics doctor said I don't need toner because my skin is sensitive. So I have never used toner ever since, which I found convenient, because I want simple steps in my rush morning skincare haha!

Scrub and exfoliate are not really my thing, because some product that I have been tried just disappoint me. They broke me out, I guess I am not lucky to find the one.

Then, I know my safest option, is only to mask my face. So I googled here and there. And found Sulwhasoo Clarifying Mask. I bought in mini size, 50ml for idr 150,000, so there was quite a steal, right, for Korean high end brand.

The instruction is different from other mask I know. It tells to cleanse your face, put some moisturiser, or even a serum, then apply the mask, wait for 20 minutes, peel them off, and you are good (no need to wash your face! Thank you for the simplicity Sulwhasoo!). I found it odd, but I gotta do what the instruction said, right.

And then, I know this is the one! This is the mask that REALLY works on me. Why? That would be because of the instant result I got. One day I had this big itchy pimple right on my forehead and I applied the mask, waited 20 minutes, peeled it off, then off to bed. The next morning, I found the mask dried up the pimple and made it less red without looking over exfoliate (If you know what I mean, it doesn't look like you put strong acne gel that will leave your skin bad dry patches). This mask is so mild on my skin, yet so effective. How can a product be like this? W O W.

Another day, I had a really bad dry skin, like dry patches all over my eyebrow area and my cheeks. You know I really love trying new product, this time is Dr. Bronner magic soap, which is definitely not doing some magic on me, but leaving my skin so dry. And then I applied my own magic mask. The next morning I woke up with better skin, dry patches around my eyebrows and cheeks were gone. My Sulwhasoo Clarifying Mask was truly the rescue. I use it once every week or two weeks. Or whenever I feel my skin acts up.

This is what I call magic: