
Jun 29, 2016

Antipodes Rejoice Light Facial Day Cream

Ceritanya masih dari pencarian produk skincare organik. Tiba-tiba di internet dan instagram muncul banyak review bagus dari brand asal New Zealand: Antipodes. Blogger Indonesia yang pernah review contohnya Alodita dan Kae Pratiwi jadilah aku tahu brand Antipodes ini. Padahal dulunya nggak pernah denger brand ini blas. Hahaha.

Nah terusss, sekitar bulan lalu, aku kehabisan moisturiser. Menurutku moisturiser ini salah satu step penting dalam skincare aku, karena jenis kulitku yang kering, jadi kalo nggak pakai ini, foundation atau BB cream nggak bisa nempel. Jadi kalo pas moisturiser udah mulai sedikit, aku mulai cari-cari gantinya. Aku si beberapa tahun terakhir ini setia sama Shiseido Ibuki Refining Moisturizer Enriched, tapi namanya perempuan ya, gatel banget pengen coba ini itu. Hahaha. Sempet cobain sample Goodness punya moisturiser, ya masih aja gatel cobain yang lainnya.

Eh kok ya pas lagi suka buka website online shop Gawat deh. Langsung cari keyword moisturiser. Awalnya mau beli yang vanilla pod moisturiser, tapi pas baca review ada yang bilang krimnya 'too heavy' dan sticky. Langsung coret dari pilihan. Cari review lain sana sini, akhirnya klik 'add to cart' si Antipodes Rejoice Light Facial Day Cream. As simple as that XD.

Super pretty packaging dari Benscrub

Kalo dari web Antipodes deskripisnya kayak gini:

60ml / 2.1fl oz


A light and non-oily facial day cream to enhance your skin's natural hydration. All-organic ingredients of manuka flower oil and avocado oil combine with macadamia and jojoba to balance and moisturise. Manuka flower oil has antibacterial and healing properties. Retain youthful skin with the extraordinary collagen-boosting powers of avocado oil. This cream boasts joyful fragrances of sweet almond and vanilla pod

Moisturiser ini memang sesuai klaimnya: light dan non-oily. Me like it so much! Dipakai di muka langsung menyerap dan ninggalin rasa lembap yang ngga lengket atau berminyak. Wanginya menurutku 'too organic' susah dideskripsikan. Tapi menurut suamiku yang protes tiap kali aku pakai, katanya baunya kayak bau kaki (sorry!) hahaha. Padahal di deskripsi katanya wangi almond dan vanila, tapi aku blas nggak cium kedua wangi itu XD. 

Unfortunately setelah semingguan pakai pagi dan malem, aku notice mukaku malah jadi kering. Apalagi pas kalo udah siang menjelang sore. Jadi kayak ketarik gitu di area pipi hingga ke rahang. Sama muncul dry patches yang berujung bikin merah-merah area pipi. Jadi bruntusan gitu dan foundation jadi jelek banget T_T. Aku nggak suspect produk lain, karena kebetulan lagi nggak pakai produk apa-apa lainnya.

It broke my heart to bits! Huhuhu. Secara klaimnya organik dan secara harganya mahal (ini yang paling bikin sakit hati) hahaha. Terus ya, karena waktu awal beli Antipodes excited banget, aku ada ikutan PO toner sama face oil Antipodes lagi (pas lagi diskon di priceline), sekarang lagi otw pengiriman. Sekarang bimbang mau dijual lagi aja, atau dicoba walaupun ada kemungkinan nggak cocok. Huhuhu... Antipodes why Antipodes??? 

Jun 8, 2016

Sulwhasoo Perfecting Cushion 23 Medium Beige

So I have been wanting to try cushion foundation like years, because simply I saw too many reviews of cushion out of the internet (Too much spare time >> too much blogwalking >> too much expenses XD).

Anyway I read some good reviews particularly for Korean brands such as Laneige's and Sulwhasoo's. Since I had bad experience with Laneige skincare, so I left my heart only for Sulwhasoo. The reason why I got it just recently is because of the expensive price! Until I saw one of Instagram online shop that sell the refill only in the shade I want and have a good price (or because that day was actually my payday hahaha).

I bought the refill that include the sponge for IDR 195K

Even though it's just a refill, it actually doesn't look cheap at all and the sponge included is very much appreciated. So overall for the price tag IDR 195K, I am pretty satisfied because I can take it as a trial/sample before purchasing a full size. I don't want to spend over IDR 700K for some product that I am not sure will suit my skin.

The first trial was a success. I just fell in love.
  • Perfect coverage. It is enough to cover my redness and acne scar yet my complexion still looks natural
  • Semi matte finish, and a bit healthy glowy skin. The most important thing, it doesn't feel sticky or wet at all. Thank God!
  • Shade 23 is a perfect match for me (fyi I am NC20 in MAC)
  • A little goes a long the way. One push to the cushion is enough for my whole face. 
  • The cushion smells good, I don't really have anything to complaint about
My before after pictures:

The pictures shows it all, right. My complexion is instantly looking brighter and healthier (without any filter). I am in love!

Since I have a sensitive skin, I will try it long enough to see if it breaks me out or not. *fingers crossed*

Updated 21/6

After 4 times trial, I have to give this cushion away to my sister, because it broke me out T_T. I saw red bumps around my cheeks after using it. And the bumps stopped when I stopped using this cushion. My sister reports me she has nothing bad happen to her skin and she appraises this cushion. Lucky her!

Jun 3, 2016

#PregnancyUpdate: 25 weeks


I want to share my cool app in my phone that very helpful to my pregnancy. It's Ovia Pregnancy. Looking into it, the app is so helpful and handy for a new mom like me. It has various information for mommy, baby and  your partner. From morning sickness, mommy/baby ideal weights, doctor appointment, healthy food, to safe exercise are all in there. The other cool thing is I simply can click share button, and send it to Calvin, so he can also read it.

And every new week, the app will tell you the size of the baby. So cute!

In this week I already gain 7 kilos (my pre pregnancy weight is 48 kilos) and I can definitely see a lot of fat in my butt and thighs. I also have swollen legs although I still have the same shoes size. Getting to maternity jeans is a lot harder now, because they will stuck on my hips! Poor me.

And since I want to have a natural birth, my doctor suggests me to eat less carbo and sugar. Thankfully I don't really into rice or noodles, I always have half of it in every meal, so no problem for me.

Let's talk about sleeping time. I googled and found this:
The best sleep position during pregnancy is “SOS” (sleep on side). Even better is to sleep on your left side. Sleeping on your left side will increase the amount of blood and nutrients that reach the placenta and your baby. Keep your legs and knees bent, and put a pillow between your legs.
The thing is I don't really like sleeping on left side. Err, actually I am used to loving lying flat on my back. See what I found:
And as your pregnancy progresses, you'll need to avoid lying flat on your back as well. In that position, the weight of your uterus presses on your spine, back muscles, and major blood vessels, which can decrease blood flow around your body and to your baby.
Uh oh.

Eventually it will be just me, my belly and my bed, so I just roll around find the best position to sleep. Thank God, I have no trouble sleeping until now (hopefully for the rest *fingers crossed*) but I do have some weird dreams sometimes hahaha. I read it somewhere that weird dreams are very common during pregnancy.

Bao Bei's kicks are very intense and strong now. It is so strong, I once saw my belly is literally moving from the surface. Although sometimes it can be hurt especially right under my belly button, but it's okay, because I know my baby is awake and alright.

I also make fresh juice every other day. It's a mix of apple-pear-tomato (yummiest one), orange-apple-tomato, apple-carrot-tomato, or just tomatoes. My mom in law told me to have more tomato, because it will make my baby have red cheeks/lips. It's a secret they keep for generation to generation :P

Have not been able to take a decent picture if 25 weeks yet, will update you on Monday, because tomorrow is (finally) a day off. 7++ years working here from Monday to Saturday, and now the kind boss is finally announcing that Saturdays will be a day off starting June! YAY! *dancing*