
Dec 31, 2010

I hate you, but I heart you

I hate you

I hate the way you care too much
Like I'm a little baby
I hate the way you tell the truth briefly
Like I don't know the reality
I hate you, but I heart you

Dec 27, 2010

What is it?

I am happy.
I am not ashamed showing my big forehead, with pimples of course.
I laugh as loud as I could. I laugh from my liver. I laugh a lot. Like a lot A LOT. Hahahahaa..
I wake up earlier than before.
I do my make up and dry my hair before going to office.
I start to love OVJ.
I wash my car properly.
I feel protected.
I feel like someone's watching my back, to catch me if I fall, in case.
I feel like smiling every time for no reason.

What is it?

Nov 8, 2010

What are you into?

Here i would like to share an easy way to know what division are you into when you want to step your foot in a company. I got it from Mark Plus Seminar by Alex Mulya. 

First step is fill the score in this table with score 1 to 5 each in Score X and Score Y:

Second step is sum up each score for X and Y then divide it into 5. You will get your X and Y score to place into the diagram above, and voila! you'll get what are you into :)

This is the example:

Score X= (2+2+5+1+3)/5= 2.6

Score Y= (4+4+3+3+2)/5= 3.2

So, the example is into STRATEGY!

Happy trying! :)

Nov 4, 2010

Honda Myth

So, since i work at Honda, I am forced to read this super thick book called Honda Myth by Masaki Sato. I like the ideas of the founder Soichiro Honda and co-founder Takeo Fujisawa. Honda was the engineer master, and Fujisawa was the business management master. They collaborated very well even enormously to make Honda one of the biggest automotive brand in the worldwide.

Here are the quotes I like the most inside Honda Myth:

I can build anything if I can just see it once. – Soichiro Honda (p.64)

“Honda isn’t a funeral home. Come on, show me your smiles. Smile, everyone.” – Fujisawa (p.83)

Managing is more than just paperwork. An executive needs to look to the future. Every executive should be an expert of some kind. Making them deal with the miscellany of daily business life is a waste of their talents. – Fujisawa (p.106)

Life is like a staircase, climbing upwards step by step, day by day. – Tadashi Kume, Honda’s third president (p.154)

“Soichiro Honda always has a ready smile, anywhere he goes, and charms the hell out of everyone he meets. Honda is a very fortunate company to have such a man. We at Toyota don’t have that luxury.” – Eiji Toyoda, Honorary Chairman of Toyota (p.224)

In an era of rapid change, thinking ahead is the only way to achieve long-term success. (p.233)

Honda’s directors firmly believed in taking breaks whenever they could, because their responsibilities meant late nights and working weekends and holidays whenever there was a problem. (p.254)

Rather than physical youth, being a Honda director demanded having a youthful mind. (p.255)

“At Honda, it’s sink or swim. They don’t teach you step-by-step; they just throw you into the pool and let you figure it out on your own. If you don’t know how to swim at first, you need to be aggressive to survive”. – Sathosi Okubo, the third chairman of Honda (p.263)

The crisis comes with an opportunity as well. (p.299)

Giving younger workers more authority and responsibility had been one of the driving forces behind Honda’s rapid growth as a company. (p.339)

“We have to win. And we have to keep winning,” Soichiro ordered the kids at The Japan Grand Prix 1987. (p.349)

Sep 27, 2010

Labuan Bajo, Flores

I finally had a chance to visit Labuan Bajo, September 4-9, 2010. Yay! 

I promised myself to take pictures of Labuan Bajo (Flores, East Nusa Tenggara) as much as i can. And here are my best shot. Enjoy :)

Almost Touchdown : Labuan Bajo from the top

Here is Komodo Airport, Labuan Bajo

Wings Air: Yes, it's quite small, but it's safe!

Centro Bajo Hotel : It's a beautiful, comfortable and (really) affordable hotel in town! Actually it's my uncle's hotel, so I stayed there 6 days for free, hehehe. Thank you uncle Topenos and Aunt Ivi for the generosity.

Bamboo Lamp : One of the corner I love so much at Centro Bajo Hotel

One of the view from our one day city trip

One of the place to hang out in Saturday night

See-through Balcony: You could see the sea and islands through Paradise balcony!

We all love Bob Marley!

Familiar huh? Kuku Bima Energi, PT. Sido Muncul, has this Bintang Flores Hotel pool in their television commercial advertisement. You can see the detail here.

The view behind the pool is way too beautiful.

Kids' happy face :)

Sunset Signature of Labuan Bajo *melting*

Pathway to Goa Cermin or Batu Cermin (Mirror Cave or Mirror Rock)

Troops are ready to enter the site! :D

You could see white shining rocks here at Mirror Cave or Mirror Rock

We had a way to see another beautiful view of Labuan Bajo. All you have to do is park your car anywhere high on the hill and have a walk.

Tada! We found this! Stunning :O

We had another trip to Pulau Kelor (Kelor Island). I love that wooden boat!

Shiny kids in sunny day :)

Can you see the small houses on the hill? That is actually bungalows hotel. Cool isn't it?

Another bungalows hotel. My uncle said it is owned by a French. Whoa!

Finally, Pulau Kelor (Kelor Island), after 1.5 hours in the boat :D

I met a foreigner there, he said Labuan Bajo is perfect for diving. No wonder: it has super clear water! :O

What I love about Labuan bajo:
1. The fresh air, not contaminated with any pollution :)
2. The fresh seafood. Yum, yum..
3. The beach: it has super clear water!

I really hope the government will take the tourism there more seriously, because Labuan Bajo is the main entrance to go to Komodo Island *fingers crossed*.

Aug 16, 2010

The Meeting

Blog yang satu ini aku buat cuma sekedar untuk men-track hari-hari menjelang "The Meeting". Ce elah. Apa coba The Meeting? Hehehe. Tempat aku kerja ini, punya jadwal 2x setahun untuk presentasi pencapaian tiap semester ke kantor pusat di Jakarta. Presentasi ini jadi penting karena pendengarnya adalah si President Director, yang adalah seorang Japanese. Presentasi dibuat selengkap dan sepadat mungkin dalam bahasa Inggris . Orang pusat menyebut meeting ini: Main Dealer Business Meeting (MDBM). Untuk kali ini, jatuh pada tanggal 23 Agustus.

Nah MDBM ini sebenarnya sangat simpel. Cuma terdiri dari 6 bagian dengan total 15 orang: Marketing, Sales Satisfaction Index (bagianku ni), Service, Parts, dan Dealer Network. Yang jadi masalah ntar yang bakal presentasi ini bukan aku atau temen-temenku dari divisi masing-masing, tapi sang Operational Manager (OM)!!

Masalahnya apa coba? Ya ituuuu, kita harus bikin presentasi dalam bentuk Power Point yang mudah dimengerti oleh sang OM dan sebisa mungkin ada caption, yang memudahkan beliau untuk baca saat presentasi (bukan presentasi, tapi baca! -_-). Nah karna inilah dari pengalaman 2 tahun kerja di sini, tiap presentasi biasanya kelar dalam H minus beberapa jam. Karna banyak banget perubahan yang harus kami-para staf- lakukan untuk memudahkan (baca: menyenangkan hati) sang OM :(.

Hal-hal membencikan dari MDBM:
  • Perubahan yang sedikit demi sedikit buat eneg, bisa sampe 10x revisi! ada aja yang dirubah, bahkan sampe detik2 terakhir! -_-
  • Pulang malam bahkan kadang pagi, biasa dimulai H -7! Yang berarti mulai hari ini.
  • Hari libur juga disuru masuk. Hiks, bye2 libur 17an :(
Hal-hal menyenangkan dari MDBM:
  • Ga perlu bawa atau cari makanan selama 7 hari ini. Kantor menyediakan makanan, terserah mo pesen apa. Plus snack. Plus dessert. Plus juice, kopi, dan teh. Denger2 untuk MDBM semester lalu habis sekitar 7 juta hanya buat makan ini inu dalam 7 hari! Wow! Kali ini kami harus memecahkan rekor sebelumnya, hahahaha :D
  • Ga perlu bangun pagi. Karna pulangnya uda tralu malam. Sebenernya si sama aja waktu tidurnya tetep 7-8 jam. Cuma buatku enak banget bisa bgn siangan. Hehehe.
  • Katanyaaa (ini masih katanya) hari libur yang kita masuk itu akan diakumulasikan untuk cuti. Yay! Ya Tuhan, kabulkanlah doakuuu. Amin.
Ok, ini track MDBM semester 2 tahun 2010.

16.08 H-7
  1. Lunch: Top Noodle Express - Yammie ayam special, 2 lumpia goreng, 1 siomay, 1/2 bakpao goreng ayam
  2. Dessert: Cincau Station - GURIIN!!!

17.08 H-6
Selamat ultah Indonesia!
Jadi di hari libur ini, aku masuk kantor -_-
Setelah kemarin pulang kantor jam stengah 1 pagi dan tidur jam 2 pagi, dan bangun setelah tidur 8 jam, dan sekarang pukul 22.31 aku masih di kantor juga.

Ok. Hari ini, perintah bos, smua presentasi diminta menggunakan Microsoft Power Point 2007. Karna apa? Simpel, karna si bos mau warna-warna pastel, di mana 2003 ga punya itu. Kalo ada sesuatu hal yg lebih advance harusnya kan kualitas kerja jadilebih baik. Iya kan? Tapiiiiiii, yang satu ini tidak! Yang ada komputer jadi super lelet *nangis gero-gero*. Mana kudu belajar ulang lagi T-T (merasa manusia yang sangat baheula, dan oya, baru tau kalo skarang malah udah ada office 2010!! OMG!!).

Thank God, setelah 2 jam heboh blajar ini inu plus restart 1x, voila, normalitas komputer dan penggunanya udah kembali seperti semula.

Semakin malam, semakin baik, dan lumayan udah kelar lolos tahap 1, yaitu lolos uji sang Manajer. Kalo udah lolos tahap 2, yaitu sang Direktur baru bisa lega. Jadi sementara Bapak Direkturnya belum review (bapaknya lagi di Jkt) ya harap2 cemas lah skarang. Antara bakal terus ato rombak total. Tuhan tolong. Amin.

Jadi track hari ini:
Datang: 12.30
Lunch: Wendy's, aku makan nasi separo, ayam sayap 1, dan sop
Snack: roti taro Eaton
Dinner: Bebek bakar presto, urap 2, nasi separo (Malioboro)
Pulang: 00.30

18.08 H-5

Hari ini si Direktur udah datang. Thank God. Tidak terlalu banyak yang diubah. Hakhak, rasanya smakin hari aku smakin jago dan jatuh cinta pada office 2007. Canggih!

Datang: 12.30 (lagi!)
Lunch: Mi kriting babi Apeng (uenak)
Snack: Jajan pasar Bon Ami
Dinner: Nasi Rawon Bu Kris
Snack II: donat Jco avocado
Pulang: 00.30


19.08 H-4
Terpaksa bangun pagi hari ini karna kudu k Jakarta buat meeting jam 13.00. Flight jam 10.00 pagi. Dari malam udah itung2an kalo flight jam segitu jadi kudu bangun jam 7.45, siap 30 menit, perjalanan 45, nyampe bandara jam 9, pas 1 jam sebelum brangkat.

Teori memang gampang. Pas alarm bunyi, snooze. 15 menit bunyi lagi snooze lagi! Jam 8.15 baru bangun. Siap2 jadi 45 menit, perjalanan nan ngebut 40 menit, sampe airport jam 9.30!
Untungnya masih boleh check in.

Nah yang parah si bos (meetingnya ama si bos) waktu check in, dia telpon dan bilang dengan cool-nya, "Yun, tolong mintain last minute ya, saya masih di jalan ini, macet banget". Haishhh. Ternyata ada yang telatnya lebih parah.

Eh 15 menit kemudian telpon lagi, "Yun, kamu cari Pak Sujono (orang Garuda) ya, mintain saya tiket jam 11, ga keburu ni, saya baru nyampe tol. Kamu berangkat duluan aja". Errr baiklahhhh.

Naik pesawat, aku duduk manis, doa ucap syukur, tweet bentar, dan liat jam 10.05, kok belom brangkat juga ya? Eh begitu angkat muka ada si bos jalan dengan santai, trus duduk di sebelah. Aku cuma melongo. Hebat banget bapak satu ini, jadi dari tadi ni pesawat ga jalan2, karna si bos. Aihhhh.. "Bapak lari-lari ya?", tanyaku
"Lari-lari sih nggak, tergesa-gesa iya", jawabnya cool abis. Errrr, baiklahhhhh..

Sepanjang perjalanan dihabiskan dengan tidur.

Nyampe makan siang di Sunter: Otak-otak belijong. Aku dipesenin si bos tahu kok (apalah tulisannya), ada perkedel kulit ikan (entah apa namanya), sama mpek2, dan otak2. Aihhh enaknyaaa. Si bos emang pinter milih tempat makan enak.

Meeting selama 1 jam, hasil memuaskan. Bahagia. Langsung balik airport.

Hampir sepanjang perjalanan pulang Sby dihabiskan dengan ngobrol dengan si bos. Beliau emang jago crita. Jago pula persuasi orang. Banyak banget yg dibahas, dari kerjaan, sampe tips memilih pasangan hidup. No 1 tipsnya: Cari pasangan seiman, trus no 2: cari pasangan yang mau kerja. Baiklahhhh pak.

15 menit sebelum landing, si bos bilang"Udah ah, mata saya udah pedes banget ini". Batinku, "lah bapak ngobrolnya ga kelar2. Aihh". Trus kita berdua tidur zzzzzzz....

Sampe Sby jam 19.00 langsung ngantor lagi. "Aku memang pegawai teladan dan idamaaann!", teriakku, dalam batinku yg meronta-ronta *hoek*. Yah gimana lagi, masak bos nya langsung ngantor, pegawe nya pulang. Haish -_-.

Pulang jam 23.30


20.08 H-3
21.08 H-2

22.08 H-1
Waktu mo update blog hari ini dan liat tanggal 20 ama 21 yg bolong, baru sadar, aku lupa. Dan skarang mencoba ingat2 pun lupa. Mau maksa mikir kok susah dan malas. Haish. Benar2 sindrom-13-jam-kerja-sehari.

Lunch: Wendy's
Dessert: Jus Stroberi Kedungsari
Oya progress meter:90% AYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!

Dinner malam ini kita ke XO Cuisine. Memang dasar bos2 nyantai, presentasi blom fix 100% kita udah diajak makan ke TP. Ya udah senang2 aja. Nyampe TP serasa orang asing plus aneh karna mata bengkak dan hitam. Serasa melihat kembali dunia yang sebenarnya. Ya elah, apa to.

Jam selese presentasi gladi bersi: 00.00
Ngrapiin ini inu, pulang jam 03.00

23.08 The Meeting

Meeting jam 10 pagi. Kliatan mood2 orang2 pusat lg ok. Pada pake hem batik, bahkan the Japanese big boss cuma pake kaos polo dan clana jins (dan oya umurnya 50an, dan hobinya surfing! Aw!). Dan beneran meeting berjalan lancar. Bagianku bahkan banyak slide yang disuru skip2 aja, karna hasil SSI (Sales Satisfaction Index) Main Dealerku udah bagus (o, kasiannya nasib slide2 ku yang terbuang T-T).

Jam 13 break makan siang, kita lunch Apeng dan oya si Big Boss suka banget Song Mie-nya!
13.30 lanjut lagi meeting, mata bener2 udah mau merem aja. Gila!

Hasil penglihatanku meeting berjalan cukup lancar, walopun ada beberapa hal yang kurang2, tp it was all okay. Mengingat semester lalu, kami cukup kaco balo. Haha.

Jam 15.00 kelar meeting. Ayayayay! Rasae lega banget, plus ngantuk ga ketulungan. Nahan kantuk sampe jam 17.00, begitu bel bunyi langsung pulang dan tidurrrr.

Thank God. Thank God. Thank God.
For the ups and downs in these 7 days.
For the solid team.
And for the smooth meeting.

Oya, total pengeluaran konsumsi 7 hari: 10 jutaan (wow!)

The End

Jul 20, 2010

Sightseeing Surabaya

Left to right: Juan, Evan, Jeanina

My family, no, my mum's family is huge. My mum has 5 sisters and 2 brothers. Let me calculate the children of them....

Auntie Shiane : 4 children
My mum: 3 children
Auntie Meliani: 3 children
Auntie Susan: 2 children
Auntie Meliana: 3 children
Uncle Wahyudi: 3 children
Auntie Yohana: 2 children
Uncle Ronny: 3 children
Auntie Ivy: 1 child

Okay, 24 children!! And oh yeah plus 2 grandchildren! Grandparents should be proud of us :)

Auntie Yohana and Auntie Ivy regularly come to Surabaya whenever the school holiday comes. They come with their kids: Juan, age 11 and Jeanina, age 10 (Yohana's) and Evan, age 9 (Ivy's). For mums: it is a good excuse to go to holiday with kids because you can do shopping too :p.

This holiday they stayed in my house for 2 weeks. When mums do shopping in mall, kids do playing in time zone, watching movie, or buying NDS games. When mums do manicure pedicure, kids do NDS-ing.

I think all the hi-tech games (NDS and time zone) make kids know nothing about the real world. I mean literally real. Kids now, rarely play on the ground or garden, or visit the zoo and museum. I don't hate the hi-tech games, i do love playing it sometimes. But kids do need fresh air too, don't they?

So I decided to take them to a cool and smart program called: Surabaya Heritage Track

All you have to do is make a phone call to do a reservation, as simple as that. The track was: House of Sampoerna - Hotel Majapahit - Grahadi Building - Arca Jokodolog - Halo Surabaya Restaurant - House of Sampoerna. The bus was good, spacious and comfy. And there was a tour leader who tell the story of historical buildings while we are on the bus. I wonder how he memorize all the historical names and dates and places.

Inside the Bus

Majapahit Hotel

Grahadi Building

Halo Surabaya Restaurant

I was happy to show the kids another fun things to do when holiday. Yes, me too enjoyed the sight seeing. The SHT program makes history fun and real!

Jul 5, 2010

A job that worth to my capability

It's been almost a month since I took the GT Sampoerna test, and up to today there is no news. I guess I do not make it. I read on kaskus, they've been discussing the GT too, and it seems every body who pass the test will be noticed in 2-3 weeks. So that's the end.

Fyi, Sampoerna is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia. And this GT (Graduate Trainee) Program promises a high salary compared to others. It is 4 times compared to mine now. Gosh! I know, you may say I am material person or anything. But I do need the money. We all need the money, don't we?

I am happy with my job now, but I am not very happy. Everything is good: the bosses are kind, the friends are great, the toilet is clean (yes, it does matter), except the salary that I can not complain about. My job description worth to that amount of money. And I know I can do more. I have more to give.

One of my friend got a job in a bank. she was in marketing. Her salary was almost twice compared to mine. But she worked in high pressure and stressful feeling. She gave up at last.

High salary but painful or so-so salary and happy?

Heck, I have to look for another job. A job that worth to my capability. I need high-salary-and-happy job.

Jun 1, 2010

right to be wrong

i know people make mistake.
but why though we said sorry for a million times the guilt won't go away?
i feel intimidated.
i always think i can be perfect or at least, average in all things, but i can not.
somehow i feel relieved,
that i am not perfect,
that i am just ordinary,
that i have right to be wrong.

May 27, 2010

Me doing Exercise

There was a time I got an interview invitation by a General Manager for Public Relations position at a Hotel in Surabaya. I recall he is a humble man, late 40 I guess, and he was looking and exploring my data in his hand.

GM  : You said here that you love jogging and swimming.
Me   : Yes, I do swimming once a week, and do jogging sometimes in the morning.
GM  : Okay. Do you playing basketball?
Me   : Hmm, I don't. Actually I can't play it *blushing*
GM  : Okay, let's see other thing. (and he began asking other questions)

So the interview went well, but in the end I didn't take it. I don't know, I just stick to Honda :P
Now I am wondering, why he mentioned basketball.

Hmm. I think I know his intention. He wanted to know whether I am a single player or a team-worker. So I am pretty clear a single player. I did playing basketball when I was in high school and I definitely messed up on it. I was too afraid that the ball will smash my face! Hahaha. On the other hand I enjoy running or swimming, which are I always do it alone. I control the move and pace myself. And the other significant thing is the timing. I could manage my time whether to start or to stop, whether I want to do this way or that way. Or I call it : having my own flexibility and creativity! :D

It's not that I am not a team-worker. I'd say I perform better when I do it myself.

Anyway, I enjoy doing yoga currently. After a serious gaining fat these past two couple months, I (have to) signed up to a gym club for doing yoga. Actually this is my first time doing it and surprisingly I enjoy it a lot. You don't have to move or (I'd rather say it) dance a lot like in an aerobic class, all you have to do is move your body smoothly and manage your breath along with that. It's so peaceful yet healthy.

Apr 17, 2010

not-quite-productive-day to work

It's Saturday. Thank God. But, here I am, on my desk, working.
They say it's a half working day, but actually it's 3/4 working day, since from Monday to Friday we work 8 hours, and Saturday 6 hours.
They say it's a perfect day to have coordination meeting to each division, since in the other 5 days we don't have time to talk to each other.
They say it's time to show off, since we are allowed to wear anything on in this day instead of wearing uniform (that's why today I'm late for work, confused choosing the clothes to wear on ).
But I say, it's not quite productive day to work, since everyone is buzzing around happily, and where is the place we're going to in this Saturday night is all in our mind :D