
Dec 25, 2011

Anniversary Notes

I was crying reading his anniversary notes to me last night at 12am sharp. Happy tears of course. It was sweet, it was true, and I know he meant it.

He's never missed sending monthly anniversary notes, every month, always at 12 am, just to say his wishes, thoughts, lesson-learned, and some silly jokes about us.

I know, behind his careless attitude towards love-thingy, he is a sweet and loving person actually :")

And hey you, yes you, I thank God for having you, I thank God for making us capable to pass this one full year together. Through the good or bad days, through our best or worst.

You know what? I can't stop laughing whenever I see you fall a sleep at the office with mouth open (HAHA), and I always love your silly gesture when imitating someone or dancing along the music with your silliest way. I sometimes think you have to go to acting class. You have the 'move' B-)

And (ehem) I know you will still want kiss my forehead, even though I have big one with pimples on it or even though I have pale bare-face without make up in the morning :")

The thing is appearance is no longer the priority in serious relationship.

Sometimes there were fights and those moments were awful, but we stick together. And our happy moments were WAY too many and joyful. We laugh a lot. I even laugh a lot more since I have you.

But mostly I thank God for making us a better person not for each other, but for ourselves.

May God bless us, bless our goals too: being together no matter what, being an entrepreneur, and being a better person for our own sake, for our family and our surrounding.

I can't say anything else, I know you know how I feel.
Grateful having you *hug*
Love you!

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