So I've been having an idea to have my own maternity shoot, I mean it's kinda DIY, not including professional photographer and anything. I just thought it would cost extra energy and money to do it with professional one. I had fun with my pre wedding photo shoot, but I was so tired that day. In addition, having the big belly is also need extra hands, because I get tired easily. All preggo mama want is flexibility, right.
But I was really lazy until in my 36 weeks, I still didn't have the mood to make it happen. Then my sister called me, she voluntarily wanted to a maternity shoot for me. I was like not in the mood, because I have to wake up early, do my own makeup and prepare the clothes. But actually that would be all. Other things was taken care by my sister. She even searched the most quite garden around her house for outdoor shoot, so I won't be too embarrassed with people's staring at big whale. Hahaha. How thoughtful she is.
So I finally said yes to her.
We met at her house on Sunday morning. We started with outdoor shoot first at around 8:30. The weather was nice. After half hour we were back to have indoor shoot in her house. She has pretty nice wallpaper and all was set up for the shoot. By 10:30 all was wrapped. Yay to fuss free photo shoot!
These are some maternity shoots taken that day. Not bad, right?
Now that I am carrying a baby in my womb
I could not be more grateful for being a woman
This has been the most magical experience in my life
Watching a tiny little human grows inside of me
How great is our God
Because God made you so wonderful
12Even the darkness is not dark to You, And the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to You.
13For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb.
14I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.
Tapi Pak Dokter bilang masih 39-40 weeks kok baru baby-nya keluar. Kok bisa ya, aku taunya dari dulu ibu mengandung itu 9 bulan 10 hari, betul ga si?
Kabar 36 weeks, adalah semakin bulat. Jumat lalu ke dokter udah 59 kilo! Bao Bei sendiri udah 2,7 kilo. Pak Dokter bilang masih normal. Tapi tetep mamanya jangan makan karbo n gula terlalu banyak. Kaki makin bengkak, apalagi pas pulang kerja. Tidur malam positif cuma bisa hadap kiri dan hadap kanan, nggak bisa telentang sama sekali. Tidurku sih tetep pulas ya, mungkin karena tiap hari masih kerja juga, kan bangun jam 6 pagi jam 9 malem udah berat aja nih mata.
O iya mau update, 2 minggu lalu akhirnya cobain kelas Pilates reguler di Halcyon Studio, Jayanata. Bayar 100rb untuk ikutan kelas insidentil. Kalau mau paket 1jt untuk 12x pertemuan. Ada juga kelas privat-nya. Feel free untuk WA si asistennya sigap banget jawabin satu2.
Si instruktur-nya baik banget, dan masih muda. So envy, di bawah 25 kayaknya, karena semuda gitu udah ada passion yang bener2 dijadikan profesi *tepuk tangan*. Ok back to Pilates. It was one hour full of sweating! But it was fun! Ada beberapa gerakan yang dimodif khusus buat aku, karena aku hamil gede. Satu kelas isinya sekitar 8 orang, emang dibatesin, jadi bener2 bisa fokus kali ya ngliatin peserta satu2. Rata2 pada umur muda semua, paling cuma 2 orang ibu2 gitu.
Sementara baru 1x ikut kelas ini karena sadar diri udah semakin gede *takut ngerepotin si instruktur hihihihi*. Jadi banyak latihan prenatal yoga aja di rumah pake video you tube Sarah Beth. Mungkin next time kalo udah brojol baru cari waktu ke sana lagi.
Kabar terbaru dari persiapan Bao Bei brojol adalah beli baby box! Yay! We just purchased Nuna Sena. So pretty! Seriously. Hopefully Bao Bei betah nanti di sana yaaa. Sementara barang2 Bao Bei lainnya kita dapat lungsuran dari sodara2 *puji Tuhan* jadi nanti yang beli sendiri ga terlalu banyak.
Next hunting adalah drawer bayi. Aku pengen banget nanti bisa ngatur kayak wardrobe-nya Cheesie:
Semoga bisa ketemu drawer yang cucok baik harga maupun model hahahaa..
Next update is baby's name! To be true aku sama suami belum yakin 100% mau kasih nama siapa. Adapun kita baru 60% yakin. Hahaha.. Nama itu kan dibawa terus sama anak ya, jadi kita mau yang bener2 dia bisa happy dengan nama yang dikasih mama papa-nya, nama yang artinya bagus, nama yang ga ribet spell nya, nama yang cantik, nama yang nggak pasaran, hahaha ribet kan yaaa..
Oya kemarin Sabtu sempet diare, 9 bulan hamil baru ini kena diare. Penyebabnya apalagi kalo nggak makanan pedas (nasi merapi Kartiko, ada yg pernah cobaaa? Enak, pedes bangetttt, cuma bisa beli di Pasar Atum) *mama bad* XD.
Semaleman tidur nggak enak karena beberapa kali ke toilet. Terus paginya langsung WA pak Dokter. Untungnya cuma disuruh minum entrostop 2 tablet dan diulang lagi kalo diare masih lanjut hingga 4 jam. Dan kalo masih diare juga disuruh ke UGD. Langsung pak suami ke mini mart deket rumah, aku minum 2 tablet, ke toilet 1x aja, abis itu berhenti, dan normal lagi. Puji Tuhan.
Foto 36 weeks, somehow kelihatan kurus ya pipi aku hihihi *suami pinter foto*
Jadi seperti yang aku cerita 3 minggu lalu, aku coba call RS mana yang ada senam hamil hari Sabtu. Cek sana sini akhirnya aku pilih senam hamil di RSIA Kendangsari Merr, rumah sakit baru di jalan Soekarno Hatta, Surabaya. Kelasnya bayar 30ribu sekali datang. Kalo mau paket 4x, bayar 100ribu. Jadwalnya kebetulan aku cuma tanya hari Sabtu, jadi nggak tanya2 hari lain. Jam 9 mulai.
Pagi itu bangunnya agak buru2, karena semalamnya nonton film sama suami. Sempetin sarapan jagung rebus juga, ga lucu kan kalo bumil senam kelaparan hahaha. Jadi nyampe RS jam 9:05, berasa udah sangat telat. Eh, ternyata sampe sana, suruh nunggu dulu, karena ruangan masih disiapkan. Sekitar 15 menit nunggu, baru disuruh naik. Sampe di ruangan senam nya, ternyata udah ada beberapa ibu-ibu.
Ruangannya besar, ada matras2 mungkin muat sekitar 20an orang. Pertama-tama kita antri dulu, registrasi, bebayaran, ukur tensi, dan dipinjemin baju senam (kayak piyama all size gitu, kedodoran). Jadi dari rumah sebenarnya nggak perlu pake baju senam/sepatu ataupun bawa matras karena udah disediakan RS.
Terus abis ganti, cari posisi matras agak depan (biar keliatan nanti instrukturnya), trus nunggu lagi. Nggak tau ya, apa nunggu kelasnya full kali ya. Liat jam, mungkin sekitar 9:50 baru mulai.
Total 12 orang dan akhirnya mulai juga!
Instrukturnya mulai memperkenalkan diri dan menjelaskan bila senam hamil ini adalah senama Yophytta yaitu kepanjangan Yoga, Philates, dan Taichi. Okesip!
Senam dibagi 3 sesi:
- Sesi 1 namanya afirmasi sekitar 10 menitan kita disuruh duduk bersila, dan mengusap perut, sambil mendengarkan audio, yang isinya adalah bahwa bayi yang dikandung adalah buah cinta orang tua (seriously!! haha) dst dst mirip2 gitu.
- Sesi 2 mulai senam (yey akhirnya) kita disuruh gerakan pemanasan (karena enteng banget, nggak keringetan blas) sambil tarik napas dan buang napas. Sekitar 20 menitan eh kelar looo (zonk!)
- Sesi 3 namanya relaksasi, kita disuruh tiduran posisi hadap kiri, sambil memegang perut. Dan audio mulai dinyalakan lagi. Isinya kita harus melepaskan kebencian, dst dst, terus disuruh tidur (beneran tidur!) -> krik krik krik......
Mana yoga nya? Mana pilates nya? Mana taichi nya? O_o
Setelah itu kita disuruh nunggu, karena 2 orang suster bergantian ke masing2 ibu untuk mengukur detak jantung bayi. Habis itu ganti baju dan dibagiin goodie bag (ini satu2nya yang bikin hepi dari kelas ini hahaha) yang isinya: roti 2pcs, air mineral botol, Pigeon tisu basah dan sample breast pad dan 1 pouch refill Dettol sabun cuci tangan (lumayan kannn?)
Abis itu ada Sales Assistant Anmum, bagiin tester susu Anmum coklat dingin, yang surprisingly enak banget (dibandingkan Prenagen) -> jadi langsung aku beli 1 pack seharga 75rb (aku cek di Superindo harganya 85rb lo, jadi lumayan hemat 10rb hehehe)
Minggu depannya pas kontrol ke Dr. Chandra, dia mulai nyaranin harus ikut senam hamil. Eh kok pas ya. Aku cerita kan kalo ikutan senam hari Sabtu lalu di RSIA Kendangsari Merr, tapi ngerasa kurang greget. Trus aku tanya apa ada rekomendasi di mana dan pak dokter nyaranin ke RKZ.
Akirnya aku coba telp ke RKZ Surabaya, telponnya susah masuk banget masa ampun. Pegimane kalo ada darurat ya hmmmm.. (darurat ya nggak pake telpon yun, langsung cus lah ke sana kaliiii)
Begitu bisa nyambung, aku langsung tanya ada kelas senam hamil nggak hari Sabtu. Dan susternya jawab ada jam 8 pagi. Dan karena aku baru mulai ikut, disuruh datang jam 7 pagi sodara2.
Dasar niat ya, aku dong jam 6 udah bangun, sarapan kue keju di mobil, dan jam 7 udah di sana. Gila RS ini jadul banget (tapi bersih terawat kok), serasa ke taman2 di film jaman dulu gitu. Setelah nanya sana sini (para susternya baik kok, padahal katanya RKZ terkenal susternya galak, nggak kok. Waktu aku tanya2 sih mereka baik2, tempatnya geday banget jadi bukannya sengaja nanya2 nggak penting) akhirnya sampai juga di loket bagian senam hamil. Dilayani ama suster yang baik juga. Registrasi dulu terus bayar 26rb. Dan disuruh nunggu. Suster nyaranin ke kafetaria dulu, nanti jam 8 baru balik situ. Biar ke ruangan senamnya barengan sama yang lain.
Ke kafetaria (sama, pake nanya2 juga, geday serius!) pesen kopi susu (dokter aku nggak larang minum kopi, asal udah biasa sebelum hamil), dan buka2 instagram. Jam 8 kurang 5 menit aku balik ke tempat tadi dan baru ada aku sama 1 ibu lain. Sempet ngobrol2, dan ternyata sama2 hamil 8 bulan, dan pertama kali senam hamil di RKZ. Eh kok 8:30 belum mulai juga. ngobrol lagiiiii. Sampai jam 9 kurang baru kita disuruh naik. Dan ternyata total pesertanya..... 4 orang saja. Hahaha.
Dan lagi2 zonk, karena gerakan senamnya basic pemanasan banget. Nggak keringetan blas. Akhir sesi juga disuruh tidur (ada apa dengan tiduran pas senam hamil yaaa?). Total senam hamil di RKZ cuma 30 menit mungkin. Aku merasa sangat rugi udah datang dari jam 7 pagi T_T huhuhu (dan nggak dapet goodie bag!).
Nah Sabtu kemarin, karena nggak mau rugi lagi senam hamil di RS yang menurutku terlalu enteng (note: tiap bumil beda2 yaaa, jadi jangan disamain) aku coba download video Youtube Sarah Beth Yoga. Videonya ada yang khusus prenatal yoga, rata2 15-20 menit saja. Ada juga yang 1 jam tapi harus bayar. Males lah ya, secara yg gratisan tinggal x3 ya udah sejam #smartmommy XD
Sabtu lalu aku coba yoga sendiri di rumah pake video yang prenatal workout, dan turn out gobyos keringatan! Akhirnya! Ini loh baru namanya senam hahaha. Aku rasa di 34 weeks ini gerakan2 dari video ini oke banget, nggak susah2 amat, tapi tetep bikin keringetan.
Dan sesi berakhir dengan difotoin suami hihihihi *senang*
I have a huge love for beautiful prints. So when we finally moved to our own house (praise Lord), I told Calvin that I want to make a wall art. He was as excited as I am, because he simply loves the mechanical tools, you know things included nails and hammer, hahaha.
For my DIY Wall Art, I bought various sizes of frames: 30cm x 30 cm, 8R and 4R. And for the prints, I googled it with the keyword: wall art free printable.
There are a lot of it, so feel free to express yourself in it, because it is so fun and therapeutic.
I also found out another fun way to make DIY wall art by using my old scrapbook tools. You can see on my "He has made.. " frame, it was actually from 30cm x 30 cm paper and some alphabets stickers. Not bad, right?
I am so happy with the result and really want to add more frames later.
Nggak percaya udah masuk minggu ke-31. Kok cepet yaaaa. Kalo menurut om obgyn perkiraan lahir maju jadi tanggal 10 September, padahal sebelum2nya 16 September.
Mulai awal minggu ini officially udah mulai pakai baju hamil sekarang di kantor, baru beli 1 sih, aku beli di butik Mamma, Pasar Atum. Cukup oke lah, model basic hem, tapi ada tali belakang gitu. Celana si aku nyaman pake maternity legging H&M, cuma kadang suka tricky aja, karna harus pake atasan yang agak panjang, biar nggak keliatan bokong oversize XD. Aku juga beli celana katun buat kerja di Mamma, turn out nggak nyaman dipakai. Bahannya kurang enak aja gitu. Enakan pake legging. Jadi selama kerja sekarang mix n match aja terus biar hemat hahaha.
Perut semakin bundar dan maju ke depan, dan minggu ini mulai muncul stretchmarks warna merah di area bawah perut *jreng jreng*. Itu pun karna suami yang kasih tau, dia yang lihat. Perut gede aku udah menghalangi pemandangan ke area bawah hahaha.
Emang sih aku cuma pake extra virgin olive oil atau lotion biasa, dan ga setiap hari juga. Pas awal2 hamil, masih tenang: ah nggak ada kok stretchmarks nya. Skarang baru kebingungan. Apa dibiarin aja ya. Kayaknya kalo mau beli krim2an khusus kok udah telat, iya nggak sihhhh.
Terus skarang makin lebih sering pipis, kayak waktu awal hamil gitu. Dan begitu telat dipipisin, perut bisa kencang dan tegang gituuu. Bahkan pas libur lebaran kemarin suami ajak ke Tretes aja aku tolak, saking takutnya kalo kebelet2 pipis di jalan, secara rame kan ya, iya kalo pas ada SPBU, dan gimana kalo toiletnya jorok, ughhh.
Terakhir kontrol ke obgyn 2 minggu lalu, dan dikasih tau next appointment per 2 minggu sekarang. Menurut obgyn semua normal, tapi selalu diingetin tiap akhir appointment, karena aku mau lahiran normal, nggak boleh makan banyak karbo dan manis2, biar bayinya nggak kegedean *jreng*.
Craving minggu2 ini menurut aku lebih heboh dari pada sebelum2nya. Bawaannya lapar mulu. Dan nasi juga biasa 1/2 porsi, skarang kalo dikasi 1 juga bisa abis *glek*. Cuma aku kadang sadar diri, jadi suka aku kasih 1/4 ke suami dan ganjel setelahnya pake buah. Yang agak susah itu craving makanan sama minuman manis. Asli deh, si suami ini suka banget minum manis2, semacam pucuk harum, floridina, dll. Dulu aku ga doyan lo, skarang bisa kepengen banget gitu. Aku sih akalin nya, kalo lg groceries ya jangan beli. Jadi di kulkas juga nggak ada stok *smart mommy* XD. Yang aku suka buat ganjel kalo laper di rumah itu kacang hijau. Jadi resepnya dari mamaku. Kacang ijo direbus aja, pake api kecil, sambil ditambahin air terus, sampai kacang ijo nya pecah. Enak kok, edible, asal dikasi gula *secukupnya ya yunnn*.
Baby kicks sekarang kok jadi baby massage ya bokkk. Kalo weeks2 sebelumnya kan Bao Bei suka nendang 'duk duk' gitu. Sekarang itu seisi perut aku kayak lagi di massage dari dalam, dari kiri ke kanan, kanan ke kiri, atas ke bawah dst. Lucu siiiih, karena kerasanya geli banget. Hahaha.
Skarang officially punya pedicurist pribadi yaitu suami! Hahaha. Senangnya ada yg potongin kuku kaki, walopun nggak pake dipijet, tetep aku grateful. Lumayan rapi lagi untuk ukuran cowok kayak dia. Hihihi.
Btw kaki aku semakin bengkak T_T. Apalagi betis. Dari dulu sih, bawaan betis udah gede banget. Ketambah hamil ini, jadi makin menjadi lah. Hahaha *ketawa miris*. Sepatu kantor sih masih muat. Aku pakai Dexflex yang super nyaman itu. Beli di Payless. Beneran enak, nggak sakit juga. The best flat shoes!
Menyiasati kaki bengkak, kalo malem mau tidur suka aku naikin ke dipan kasur. Jadi posisi aku terbalik, 180 derajat dari posisi tidur. Cuma skarang nggak bisa lama2, karna perutnya nggak nyaman juga, kan posisi perut telentang soalnya. Kalo 10-15 menit masih oke lah. Udah 2 mingguan aku naikin kaki aku kayak gitu, so far sih nggak terlalu kelihatan bengkaknya kempes sih XD jadi kok rasanya nggak ngefek. Hahaha.
Oh iya besok aku perdana ikutan kelas senam hamil di RSIA Kendangsari MERR. Tadi iseng aja telpon dan ada jadwal jam 9 pagi. Aku pikir nothing to lose lah, secara ikutan kelasnya cuma 30rb, hehehe. Dibandingkan ikutan kelas yoga yang sebulan bisa berjuta2 itu.
Ceritanya masih dari pencarian produk skincare organik. Tiba-tiba di internet dan instagram muncul banyak review bagus dari brand asal New Zealand: Antipodes. Blogger Indonesia yang pernah review contohnya Alodita dan Kae Pratiwi jadilah aku tahu brand Antipodes ini. Padahal dulunya nggak pernah denger brand ini blas. Hahaha.
Nah terusss, sekitar bulan lalu, aku kehabisan moisturiser. Menurutku moisturiser ini salah satu step penting dalam skincare aku, karena jenis kulitku yang kering, jadi kalo nggak pakai ini, foundation atau BB cream nggak bisa nempel. Jadi kalo pas moisturiser udah mulai sedikit, aku mulai cari-cari gantinya. Aku si beberapa tahun terakhir ini setia sama Shiseido Ibuki Refining Moisturizer Enriched, tapi namanya perempuan ya, gatel banget pengen coba ini itu. Hahaha. Sempet cobain sample Goodness punya moisturiser, ya masih aja gatel cobain yang lainnya.
Eh kok ya pas lagi suka buka website online shop Gawat deh. Langsung cari keyword moisturiser. Awalnya mau beli yang vanilla pod moisturiser, tapi pas baca review ada yang bilang krimnya 'too heavy' dan sticky. Langsung coret dari pilihan. Cari review lain sana sini, akhirnya klik 'add to cart' si Antipodes Rejoice Light Facial Day Cream. As simple as that XD.
A light and non-oily facial day cream to enhance your skin's natural hydration. All-organic ingredients of manuka flower oil and avocado oil combine with macadamia and jojoba to balance and moisturise. Manuka flower oil has antibacterial and healing properties. Retain youthful skin with the extraordinary collagen-boosting powers of avocado oil. This cream boasts joyful fragrances of sweet almond and vanilla pod
Moisturiser ini memang sesuai klaimnya: light dan non-oily. Me like it so much! Dipakai di muka langsung menyerap dan ninggalin rasa lembap yang ngga lengket atau berminyak. Wanginya menurutku 'too organic' susah dideskripsikan. Tapi menurut suamiku yang protes tiap kali aku pakai, katanya baunya kayak bau kaki (sorry!) hahaha. Padahal di deskripsi katanya wangi almond dan vanila, tapi aku blas nggak cium kedua wangi itu XD.
Unfortunately setelah semingguan pakai pagi dan malem, aku notice mukaku malah jadi kering. Apalagi pas kalo udah siang menjelang sore. Jadi kayak ketarik gitu di area pipi hingga ke rahang. Sama muncul dry patches yang berujung bikin merah-merah area pipi. Jadi bruntusan gitu dan foundation jadi jelek banget T_T. Aku nggak suspect produk lain, karena kebetulan lagi nggak pakai produk apa-apa lainnya.
It broke my heart to bits! Huhuhu. Secara klaimnya organik dan secara harganya mahal (ini yang paling bikin sakit hati) hahaha. Terus ya, karena waktu awal beli Antipodes excited banget, aku ada ikutan PO toner sama face oil Antipodes lagi (pas lagi diskon di priceline), sekarang lagi otw pengiriman. Sekarang bimbang mau dijual lagi aja, atau dicoba walaupun ada kemungkinan nggak cocok. Huhuhu... Antipodes why Antipodes???
So I have been wanting to try cushion foundation like years, because simply I saw too many reviews of cushion out of the internet (Too much spare time >> too much blogwalking >> too much expenses XD).
Anyway I read some good reviews particularly for Korean brands such as Laneige's and Sulwhasoo's. Since I had bad experience with Laneige skincare, so I left my heart only for Sulwhasoo. The reason why I got it just recently is because of the expensive price! Until I saw one of Instagram online shop that sell the refill only in the shade I want and have a good price (or because that day was actually my payday hahaha).
I bought the refill that include the sponge for IDR 195K
Even though it's just a refill, it actually doesn't look cheap at all and the sponge included is very much appreciated. So overall for the price tag IDR 195K, I am pretty satisfied because I can take it as a trial/sample before purchasing a full size. I don't want to spend over IDR 700K for some product that I am not sure will suit my skin.
The first trial was a success. I just fell in love.
Perfect coverage. It is enough to cover my redness and acne scar yet my complexion still looks natural
Semi matte finish, and a bit healthy glowy skin. The most important thing, it doesn't feel sticky or wet at all. Thank God!
Shade 23 is a perfect match for me (fyi I am NC20 in MAC)
A little goes a long the way. One push to the cushion is enough for my whole face.
The cushion smells good, I don't really have anything to complaint about
My before after pictures:
The pictures shows it all, right. My complexion is instantly looking brighter and healthier (without any filter). I am in love!
Since I have a sensitive skin, I will try it long enough to see if it breaks me out or not. *fingers crossed*
Updated 21/6
After 4 times trial, I have to give this cushion away to my sister, because it broke me out T_T. I saw red bumps around my cheeks after using it. And the bumps stopped when I stopped using this cushion. My sister reports me she has nothing bad happen to her skin and she appraises this cushion. Lucky her!
I want to share my cool app in my phone that very helpful to my pregnancy. It's Ovia Pregnancy. Looking into it, the app is so helpful and handy for a new mom like me. It has various information for mommy, baby and your partner. From morning sickness, mommy/baby ideal weights, doctor appointment, healthy food, to safe exercise are all in there. The other cool thing is I simply can click share button, and send it to Calvin, so he can also read it.
And every new week, the app will tell you the size of the baby. So cute!
In this week I already gain 7 kilos (my pre pregnancy weight is 48 kilos) and I can definitely see a lot of fat in my butt and thighs. I also have swollen legs although I still have the same shoes size. Getting to maternity jeans is a lot harder now, because they will stuck on my hips! Poor me.
And since I want to have a natural birth, my doctor suggests me to eat less carbo and sugar. Thankfully I don't really into rice or noodles, I always have half of it in every meal, so no problem for me.
Let's talk about sleeping time. I googled and found this:
The best sleep position during pregnancy is “SOS” (sleep on side). Even better is to sleep on your left side. Sleeping on your left side will increase the amount of blood and nutrients that reach the placenta and your baby. Keep your legs and knees bent, and put a pillow between your legs.
The thing is I don't really like sleeping on left side. Err, actually I am used to loving lying flat on my back. See what I found:
And as your pregnancy progresses, you'll need to avoid lying flat on your back as well. In that position, the weight of your uterus presses on your spine, back muscles, and major blood vessels, which can decrease blood flow around your body and to your baby.
Uh oh.
Eventually it will be just me, my belly and my bed, so I just roll around find the best position to sleep. Thank God, I have no trouble sleeping until now (hopefully for the rest *fingers crossed*) but I do have some weird dreams sometimes hahaha. I read it somewhere that weird dreams are very common during pregnancy.
Bao Bei's kicks are very intense and strong now. It is so strong, I once saw my belly is literally moving from the surface. Although sometimes it can be hurt especially right under my belly button, but it's okay, because I know my baby is awake and alright.
I also make fresh juice every other day. It's a mix of apple-pear-tomato (yummiest one), orange-apple-tomato, apple-carrot-tomato, or just tomatoes. My mom in law told me to have more tomato, because it will make my baby have red cheeks/lips. It's a secret they keep for generation to generation :P
Have not been able to take a decent picture if 25 weeks yet, will update you on Monday, because tomorrow is (finally) a day off. 7++ years working here from Monday to Saturday, and now the kind boss is finally announcing that Saturdays will be a day off starting June! YAY! *dancing*
The first step towards a flawless, doll-like complexion, Sunday Riley's Ceramic Slip Cleanser is a must-have for those in pursuit of perfect skin. Gently foaming, its' potent blend of ingredients - including uber-expensive French Green Clay - lifts grime, absorbs impurities, tightens pores and gently exfoliates, so skin becomes smoother, clearer & more refined. Sunday believes the key to healthy skin lies in marrying botanical ingredients with biotechnology to unleash their potential & save our skins!
This lightly foaming cleanser contains a cocktail of vitamins, minerals & essential oils to tone & balance normal to combination skin. Refined French Green Clay draws out impurities while Vitamin C reduces the appearance of discolouration & stimulates collagen production for a plumper, dewy complexion. Black Pepper promotes circulation, Sandalwood combats areas of sensitivity, Jasmine soothes & restores while Frankincense encourages healthy cell growth for firmer, porcelain-smooth skin.
It was a gamble to buy this one since I have sensitive skin and the price is quite unreasonable. It was idr 700k for 125 ml, purchased it from (the cheapest around other online shop). Turned out: my skin loves it!
Actually I just purchased the second bottle just earlier this month. So on me, a bottle could last about 6 to 7 months, really a deal right, so yes it is pricier, but I can use it in a long time. Pat on my back, good job, Yun!
I use it every morning and evening. For evening, this is my second cleanser, because I clean my makeup first with extra virgin olive oil. The thing is, if I get too lazy, and just use this cleanser as the only cleanser, it works well too. It could cleanse even my eye makeup.
The packaging comes with a plastic bottle, but not a cheap plastic, don't worry. It looks simple and sleek, and it is very travel-friendly. It has nice cap that can be open and close for convenient sake.
The smell is quite unusual, some reviews said they don't like it, but for me it smells organic and healthy, not artificial fragrance whatsoever. It is quite therapeutic for me to just smell it. Seriously.
This cleanser does not dry my skin, leaves my skin clean, and most important one it does not irritate my sensitive skin. In more than 6 months use, I feel my complexion is getting clearer, I can be biased, but I really think this cleanser works THAT well on me. I used to have flaky skin around my cheeks, and it was long gone now. FYI, I don't use any other Sunday Riley, just this one. And it is already THAT good (Imagine if I use all the range! But for now, I am good with this only one, until I get some gut and money to splurge other Sunday Riley's).
Jadi ceritanya beberapa waktu lalu, tim Female Daily kontek aku via email, melalui mbak Dara, nanyain apa aku bersedia di-interview oleh FD terkait skincare yang biasa aku gunakan. Aku langsung iya-in aja ya, karena it's really my pleasure to share!
Sebelum itu memang aku suka tulis review di FD, nah ternyata kalau dihitung-hitung banyak skincare natural & organik yang aku review, jadi tim FD pilih aku.
Rekomendasi Skincare untuk Kulit Kering dari Yunie, Top Reviewer FD
Kalau kemarin kamu sudah tahu rekomendasi produk-produk natural dari The Queen Bees, kali ini saya mewawancarai salah satu Top Reviewer FD, Yunie Henoek, dan ngobrol-ngobrol tentang skincareuntuk kulit kering.
1. Sejak kapan mulai sadar untuk merawat kulit lebih telaten?
Pas udah kerja. Kan di ruangan ber-AC terus, jadi kerasa banget muka kering dehidrasi. Dry patches juga muncul terus-terusan. Mulai deh cari-cari skincare yang cocok and thank God, ketemu thread Natural & Organic Skincare di Female Daily.
2. Apa rutinitas skincare yang paling penting menurut kamu?
Bersihin muka! Ini step krusial banget di aku. Kalo nggak cuci muka dengan benar bisa langsung jerawatan. Apalagi kalau sampai salah pakai sabun cuci muka yang nggak cocok, pasti langsung kering, dry patches di mana-mana, bahkan kadang sampai merah dan gatal.
3. Ada nggak treatment kulit yang nggak akan pernah mau kamu coba?
Sejenis peeling gitu kali ya. Karena kan kulit muka seolah “dipaksa” mengelupas. I believe my skin has its own power to regenerate. Mungkin juga karena aku bukan pemakai skincare aliran ‘garis keras’, hehehe.
4. Brand natural & organic apa yang pertama kali kamu coba?
Sensatia Botanicals. Brand ini brand lokal Indonesia, lho. Asalnya dari Bali.
(Editor’s note: Tim editorial Female Daily juga baru mencoba berbagai macam produk dari Sensatia Botanicals, lho. Nantikan artikelnya akhir minggu ini, ya!)
5. Produk natural apa yang ampuh untuk mengatasi masalah kulit kamu sekarang ini?
Mukaku sering banget kering dan muncul dry patches dan sejauh ini yang bisa mengurangi masalah itu yaitu Goodness Chia Seed Oil. My skin is more hydrated now.
6. Merasakan perbedaan apa setelah mencoba produk skincare natural dan organik? Beda nggak ama chemical-based skincare?
Beda banget! Yang pasti sejak pakai skincare organik kulit muka jadi lebih ‘kalem’. Sampai sekarang sebenarnya masih trial and error dengan segala jenis skincare. Tapi yang pasti produk dengan SLS dan paraben udah pasti bikin mukaku kering dan mengelupas.
7. Berdasarkan pengalaman kamu, beda nggak sih performa produk natural dan chemical? Misalnya, produk natural mungkin lebih lama menunjukkan hasil, dsb.
Natural and organic products definitely take longer time to show skin’s improvement. Tapi ini menurutku yang sehat dan aman buat kulitku untuk jangka panjang, karena ingredients yang digunakan tidak ada yang harsh jadi memang butuh waktu lebih lama dari pada chemical based skincare. Selain itu, karena aku memang lagi hamil juga (almost 20 weeks now) jadi concern pakai produk natural dan organik jadi makin tinggi.
8. Ada nggak produk skincare natural versi lokal yang kamu suka?
Aku suka Virgin Coconut Oil dari Blue Stone Botanicals. Ini juga brand dari Bali. VCO ini gunanya banyak. Salah satunya aku suka pakai ini as a makeup remover. Efektif banget dan nggak bikin mata pedih.
9. Produk natural yang dipakai saat ini hanya untuk wajah atau merangkap bath & body dan haircare? Kalau iya, apa produk yang dipakai?
Untuk bath & body sekarang lagi coba Moogoo Milk Wash. Kondisi kulit badanku juga sama kayak muka, jadi kalau ada produk yang nggak cocok langsung kering dan gatal-gatal. Pakai Moogoo ini lumayan enak, nggak bikin kering dan gatal, baru coba sample-nya doang sih, jadi belum bisa review terlalu detail.
Terus terang masih trial and error juga sih sampai sekarang untuk sabun badan. Contohnya aku sempet nyoba Dr.Bronner Magic Soap seri Baby Unscented Pure Castile Liquid Soap yang klaimnya certified organic tapi masih bikin kulit kering. Contoh lain: brand Sunday Riley bukan organik tapi aku cocok banget sama sabun mukanya yang Ceramic Slip Clay Cleanser.
Untuk hair care juga dari brand yang sama, Moogoo Milk Shampoo. Cuma sebulanan pakai kok muncul ketombe. Jadi masih gantian pakai sama shampoo Sebamed Anti Dandruff (which is masih mengandung Sulfat).
All in all let’s try find out what suit best for your skin in a safe way. Aku pribadi nggak pakai obat dokter atau ke klinik kecantikan karena seringkali hasilnya terlalu instan menurutku. I’m happy doing trial and error using OTC products!
10. Apa produk skincare natural & organic yang paling ingin kamu coba sekarang?
Actually there is nothing much to write about my pregnancy. I feel the same, the different is just the size of my belly.
Oh I got one! My baby starts kicking around 20 weeks. It feels weird, really, but it feels so magical. Like the baby wants to make a contact with me. I feel the kicks around afternoon and around bed time. This bed time can be really exciting, because I always put Calvin's hand on my belly, so he can feel the kicks too. But many times, he just missed it hahaha, poor him.
My appetite is still the same. I don't really crave any particular food. I just can't eat big, because my belly will feel so uncomfortable. I love any food that I used to love before pregnancy, just with a smaller portion.
I sleep a lot on Sunday, like 9-10 hours straight, just wake up one time to pee. Which I find so blissful, because I work Monday to Saturday, and I can only sleep 7-8 hours.
Oh I frequently get legs cramps in my sleep! It was so hurt I had to wake Calvin up, so he could pull my legs. Later I learn that every time I get cramp I just have to pull my leg straight, half in the air, and all the pain is gone. Thank you husband!
About the belly button. Mine right now is about to pop out, but not just yet. I see it kind of gross, because my belly button looks dark >,<. I tried to clean it up by using a cotton bud and olive oil, but the color is still dark. Uh oh.
I try to communicate with my baby as often as I can, like saying good morning or good night, reading the bible out loud too, or "hello bao bei, mommy have an important meeting today, so please be nice with me today okayyyy" hehehe, I know the feeling right now, that a mother loves the baby even if he/she hasn't born :")
And last but not least. My belly pictures!
Taken by husband and a tripod. Hahaha. I love my growing belly so much!
So I've been told that only cleanse and moisture your face not enough. You need to tone, scrub, exfoliate and more over mask them. I once was a user of Erha Clinic, and the aesthetics doctor said I don't need toner because my skin is sensitive. So I have never used toner ever since, which I found convenient, because I want simple steps in my rush morning skincare haha!
Scrub and exfoliate are not really my thing, because some product that I have been tried just disappoint me. They broke me out, I guess I am not lucky to find the one.
Then, I know my safest option, is only to mask my face. So I googled here and there. And found Sulwhasoo Clarifying Mask. I bought in mini size, 50ml for idr 150,000, so there was quite a steal, right, for Korean high end brand.
The instruction is different from other mask I know. It tells to cleanse your face, put some moisturiser, or even a serum, then apply the mask, wait for 20 minutes, peel them off, and you are good (no need to wash your face! Thank you for the simplicity Sulwhasoo!). I found it odd, but I gotta do what the instruction said, right.
And then, I know this is the one! This is the mask that REALLY works on me. Why? That would be because of the instant result I got. One day I had this big itchy pimple right on my forehead and I applied the mask, waited 20 minutes, peeled it off, then off to bed. The next morning, I found the mask dried up the pimple and made it less red without looking over exfoliate (If you know what I mean, it doesn't look like you put strong acne gel that will leave your skin bad dry patches). This mask is so mild on my skin, yet so effective. How can a product be like this? W O W.
Another day, I had a really bad dry skin, like dry patches all over my eyebrow area and my cheeks. You know I really love trying new product, this time is Dr. Bronner magic soap, which is definitely not doing some magic on me, but leaving my skin so dry. And then I applied my own magic mask. The next morning I woke up with better skin, dry patches around my eyebrows and cheeks were gone. My Sulwhasoo Clarifying Mask was truly the rescue. I use it once every week or two weeks. Or whenever I feel my skin acts up.
Aku mau review beberapa produk Goodness. Ini adalah salah satu organic skin care dari New Zealand. Aku lagi gencar banget beli yang organik karena selain lebih aman di kulit kan sekarang lagi hamil juga, jadi aku menghindari ingredients yang terlalu harsh. Nah, karena belum ada bayangan mau beli apa dari Goodness, aku coba starter kit-nya terlebih dahulu yaitu Grab & Go Try-Me Kit. Aku purchase dari Instagram @tokotujuhpuluh, harganya IDR 300,000. Untuk dapat 5 produk imut-imut ini menurutku cukup affordable ya, apalagi untuk yang suka coba-coba kayak aku, jadi kalo nggak cocok, nggak terlalu sakit ati ceritanya :D Buat yang nggak tahu sama sekali, ini aku comot gambar dari website resmi mereka:
Pas datang paketnya, duh lucu banget, warna-warninya itu loohhh. Candies in my eyes!
Review singkat pemakaian kurang lebih sebulan:
Goodness Chia Seed Oil I love it! Aku pakai ini setelah cuci muka, pagi dan malam, sebelum menggunakan morning/evening cream. Chia seed oil ini tidak lengket di kulit, ringan, wanginya enak kalem menenangkan (somehow remind me of Castile Soap), tidak over-fragrance. Biasanya aku tunggu kira-kira 5 menit sebelum menggunakan moisturizer. Dalam sebulanan pemakaian, yang pasti tidak ada break out, dry patch berkurang, muka lebih lembap, dan foundation nempelnya lebih bagus, nggak cakey. Untuk manfaat lain mungkin belum bisa review terlalu detail. We'll see later after a couple months. Goodness Every day Cream Cleanser
Cleanser ini nggak ada busa sama sekali. Sampe aku ulang 2x cuci muka, karna parno belum biasa hahaha. Biasanya pake sabun cuci muka organik masih tetep ada busanya dikit, ini blas nggak ada. Jadi kerasa nggak bersih cuci mukanya >,< Goodness Every Morning Cream Krim ini terasa ringan di wajah, light-weight, no sticky feeling, dan cukup melembapkan. Aku pakai ini setelah Goodness Chia Seed Oil. Jadi pas aplikasi foundation bisa lebih bagus. Packaging juga sangat convenient karena menggunakan tube. Dan warna packaging-nya lucu banget. Untuk yang mau beralih ke natural skincare bisa coba produk Goodness ini. Harga juga affordable banget Goodness Every Evening Cream Aku pakai krim ini pas malam, setelah cuci muka dan pakai Goodness Chia Seed Oil. Texture-wise produk ini lebih thick dari Goodness Every Morning Cream. Karena cuma dipakai pas tidur, I don't mind the stickiness, hehe. So far pemakaian seminggu, kulit lebih terasa lembap, dry patches juga hilang, dan nggak break out di kulit sensitifku.
Godness Every Week Face Scrub ini baru aku pake sekitar 3x, so far cukup suka karna produk ini nggak bikin muka merah atau kering. Teksturnya ada sedikit butiran halus, tapi begitu kena air dia langsung lumer, mungkin ini yang nggak bikin muka jadi kering ketarik. All in all, aku suka produk Goodness ini, tapi untuk purchase full-size masih pikir-pikir dulu. Karena masih kepikiran produk Australia/NZ lain, yaitu: Trilogy sama Antipodes hahaha :P
Yayyyy, I am so happy to announce that we are pregnant! So today I am around 14 weeks and 3 days, and I decided it is the best time to tell you because I am already in my second trimester. Below are some stories I wrote since earlier pregnancy. I think it's a good way to write everything down, so I can reread it another time, or share with our baby in the future :)
5 Jan 2016 - Pregnancy Sign
My period was supposed to start in 2 Jan 2016, but it didn't coming. After 4 days late, I told Calvin, that I might be pregnant. But he told me to take it easy (he doesn't want me to jinx it), and let us spare another week to take pregnancy test. I just know that I am pregnant (mommy's feeling?), so I stopped drinking coffee already, and always hold my belly whenever I drive on bumpy road or whenever I take stairs >.<.
20 Jan 2016 - The day I did my Test Pack
This was the day I found two lines on the pregnancy test. I was so happy I looked at it again and again. I told Calvin, who was still sleeping and he just gave a thumb up, and back to sleep. Yeah, he is that kind of a guy, who lack of expression. Hahaha. Later that day, we decided to call our baby Bao Bei (read: pao pei) means baby in Chinese.
23 Jan 2016 - First Visit to the Doctor
To confirm the pregnancy test, we made an appointment to the Obgyn. Our pick is Dr. Chandra Thaytty, Sp.OG, because Calvin's sister was taken care by him in her last pregnancy and she gave a good review for him. We went there at Saturday, and waited only about an hour, such a blessing, because many says that the queue is awful at some obgyn. It was my first being there, so the nurse told me to fill in my data, and take my weight and blood pressure. In an hour the nurse called my name. I was so nervous, but the Obgyn was really cool, I've already like him. He asked when my last period is, and then told to lay down on the exam bed. He took an ultrasound, and there he/she is! Our tiny baby. It was actually appeared like a dot in the screen, hehehe. The doctor took the heart beat test and the sound was so fast. He said our baby has good heart beat, around 122. My eyes was very teary at that time. It's just so amazing to hear our baby heartbeat. He predicted the baby is around 6-7 weeks. After we finish with the ultrasound, the Obgyn told me to take things slowly, not to do too much walking, not to be too tired, because the baby is still tiny, so the chance of miscarriage is still high. Then he told us to come back in two weeks and prescribed some medicines for me:
1. Folaplus (30 tablet) IDR 30,260
2. Duphaston 10 mg (30 tablet) IDR 480,250
3. Cester (15 tablet) IDR 46,750
The Obgyn itself cost IDR 350,000, so that day we spent almost IDR 1 million! #prayforCalvin hehehe.
Then we went home and spent the rest of the day looking happily at at ultrasound pictures the Obgyn gave us in a book. I still can't believe how amazing is our God, to put such a tiny life in my womb that already have a heartbeat! I am in an awe! I keep praying to God that our baby will grow healthily. #GodSpeed
1 Feb 2016 - My Pregnancy Symptom
The pregnancy symptom on me so far is I get exhausted easily, I even go to bed around 9 pm, and wake up 6.30 am lazily. I pee a lot, and I go out of breath so easily. My boobs are swollen and sore. Other than that, I look like a normal person. No morning sick at all. Thank God. I think, Bao Bei knows that mommy is working at the office, so he/she is being so considerate to me :").
And I've already gain 2 kilos. My previous weight is around 48 kilos, and now is around 50. I am not craving any particular food. I just starve easily, but I can't take too much food, because my stomach will be so full I can't breathe. So the best thing is to eat often but in smaller portion.
I think I am now are constantly very happy, I don't know if it's the mood or just because I don't get my period, so I'm not cranky at all (like every women know, once a month) >,<. It's a good thing, rightttt?
12 Feb 2016 - Second Visit to the Doctor
We were so excited to see how little the baby is. Bao bei is only 2.43cm but already look like human, with big head, tiny hands and foots. God is really amazing! Please grow healthily and happily our Bao Bei!
26 Feb 2016 - Third Visit to the Doctor
Today's ultrasound was so exciting, because as the Doctor turned around the tools on my belly, our baby was moving around too. It was like Bao Bei want to show off his/her move to mommy and daddy. We were so happy, do you know that? Mommy and daddy are so thrilled, we can't stop saying how amazing is our God. Bao bei now is around 6cm and 11 weeks and 6 days today. Thanks to you, mommy doesn't have morning sickness at all, just a little migraine once in a while, no worries, because Doctor says it's perfectly normal. We love you! At this time, the Doctor is not prescribed Duphaston to me anymore, instead of it, he prescribe some Calcium
3 Mar 2016 - Baby Bump
Around 12 weeks
I guess this is it. I will let you know the next update. See you!
My current lip treatment for my dry and chapped lip:
Nuxe - Reve de Miel Ultra Nourishing Lip Balm
Just recently know Nuxe - Reve de Miel Ultra Nourishing Lip Balm from Alodita's blog. I quickly typed the name on Google, turned out this lip balm is very famous. Where have you been, Yun? Hahaha. I made my purchase from Luxola. Quite pricey for a lip balm, it's IDR 210,000 but I really want to know how helpful this product for my dry, chapped, and sensitive lips.
Been using this product for last couple weeks, in the morning and before bed, and I could say, it significantly works! Now I have less dry and chapped lips. I could feel my lips are smoother also. (Should provide you with the pictures, but I have no 'before' photo. Too ugly, seriously!)
The texture of the product is very comfortable on my lips, no fragrance, no sticky or waxy feeling. Simply moisturizing. And amazingly I can still feel the moisture effect in the morning.
The packaging is a glass jar, feels so luxurious, hence the price right?
One thing matter is only the expiry date. It says on the bottle Period After Opening (PAO) is 6 months. Won't used it all up in 6 months I guess.
Other than that, it's a winner!
Update a month after using it, I dont know it makes my chapped lips worse. Seriously, I mean it losts its magic after a while. Oh dang!
EOS Lip Balm - Summer Fruit
First thing first: EOS Lip Balm packaging is super adorable! It looks like a ball with many colors. I chose Summer Fruit simply because the color is red. Hahaha. It has strong fragrance, like fruits. Not really like the smell, but still bearable. And to my surprise this lip balm tastes sweet, I accidentally lick it when I wear it. Hopefully it's not a bad thing.
This lip balm is moisturizing enough, it could last 2 to 3 hours, without eating too much. It keeps my chapped lips in place, so my hands won't pick them (if you know what I mean haha)
I keep my EOS lip balm in my pouch, because it's more travel-friendly compared to Nuxe's.
Price wise is quite affordable, IDR 75,000. So it's a good deal.
Fresh - Sugar Lip Polish
This Fresh Sugar Lip Polish is actually a lip scrub. I bought this lip scrub in Sephora when I traveled to Bangkok last month. I had dry and chapped lips at that time, because I drink less water when traveling. So I picked Fresh Sugar Lip Polish. It costs around IDR 300,000 something.
The texture is just like brown sugar and it tastes sweet surely. Quite effective to remove dead skin on my lips, but not really condition it. I still wake up in the morning with chapped lips, but not so bad when not applying it at all. It smooths my lips, but not really. I really don't know for sure. Gonna give it a try like a month, to measure if it's really effective on me or not.
I use it every two/three day, before bed time, and after that, I will apply my Nuxe lip balm.
One of my resolution this year is to write more often. So this time I want to share my trip to Thailand with my husband.
We had a chance to visit Thailand (Bangkok and Pattaya) last December, so let's call it a honeymoon trip. It was only 4 days visit, but we had chance to see a lot of place and we had so much fun.
We had our own tour guide and driver. Trust me, you may think we are over reacting, but yeah, mostly people in Thailand don't speak English. And many people says their taxi driver, will turn off the taxi meter, once the driver knows we are tourist, and will charge as expensive as possible. Nah nah.
Luckily our a tour guide that can speak Bahasa Indonesia. Later she told us, that she especially took Indonesian language course. Travel and tourism industry really is growing, right. And we are impressed by our driver's courtesy, even though he can't speak Bahasa Indonesia, he always smile, and say: "hello Bapak Ibu, see you tomorrow Bapak Ibu".
Oh and I want to give a little review about our flight with Air Asia. We took our flight from Surabaya to Jakarta and transit for 2 hours and depart to Bangkok in Don Mueang Airport. Later I know, that Air Asia do have direct flight form Surabaya to Bangkok, my bad, I didn't check the date carefully. But our flight back is directly from Don Mueang Airport to Surabaya, not bad right. The comfortness of the seat is okay.. But too bad, Air Asia don't have inflight entertainment. I and Calvin got really boring, until we decided to play BINGO, hahaha.
The best part was the food! We chose premium flex for the ticket, so we can have 20kg baggage and free meal. Yay us! So I picked nasi rendang. Calvin said I can have whatever I want, hehehe. Nasi rendang ftw! It was served warm and tasted like real food, like really good. It had proportional size of the meat and rendang spices was so tasty. I really want to take Air Asia again just to taste their Nasi Rendang hahaha.
So back to our honeymoon trip. First day arrived at Bangkok was at night, and we stay at the heart of the city, so we decided to talk a walk around the hotel, to have some street food for dinner. Bangkok street at night was like Singapore (like orchard road? except the cleanliness of course) so packed with people, youngster especially. They have so many yummy and cheap food stall all over the street. Fishball satay (in giant size) is only 10 baht (which is idr 4k) and full set menu contains rice, minced pork, and egg is only 30 baht (idr 12k), we were in food heaven!
I am really bad at writing travel diary, experiences are showed better in pictures, right?
Day 1
It was rain, and we gotta buy an umbrella at Watson. Owls. And in turquoise color. Perfect.
The coconut water tasted delicioso!
Day 2
Too bad Wat Arun temple was under renovation that day.
Pattaya Floating Market
In the Art of Paradise, Pattaya
Alcazar show. I really enjoyed their performance! (the lady boys were really skinny and have big boobs! O.O
Day 3
We went to NongNooch Garden at Pattaya. We skipped the cultural show and the elephant show, because there was so packed (it was a public holiday which was King's birthday that day), and went straight to the gardens. We walked in awe.
My pose says it all: I am the very happy kid, in a very huge beautiful garden!
Last day we just went to a mall, took some brunch at the best hainan chicken where all the waiters wears pink apron (haha) and head to the airport.
It was a such a fun and relaxing trip, we commit to save up for another trip in 2016! Work hard and play hard!