
May 11, 2011

Expectation Management

Whew, I feel like a lecturer just by saying this: Expectation Management. The thing is managing our expectation is important, but people tend to ignore it, or simply do not know about it. Why expectation is important? For me, expectation = happiness. Let's say: you want (expect) a pair of expensive Mango shoes, meanwhile you can not afford it, you will be unhappy. This is the time to manage your expectation. I always say to myself, I have a lot of shoes, I want it, but I don't need it.

Another example. I know some people with annoying attitude, irritating even. I see them every day, apparently. I have tried (expect) to change their way of thinking, but I guess some people just don't get it, some people are too blind to see a peaceful living is just as far as doing no harm to others. I have failed to get my happiness by not managing my expectation, because annoying and irritating people exists. My suggestions are tolerate them (because maybe some psychological reasons are behind their attitude), and not getting in touch too much with them. At least it worked out for me.

We live in a free world, with free will, but it doesn't mean to hurt others to get your will. I'll keep it in my mind.

Whew, such a thought, huh. Let's just embrace life.

Anyway on Sunday, me and Calvin went to Gelato Bar, Galaxi Mall to have dinner. Calvin is mad about their creme brulee-cino. I want everyday is as good as Sunday: relaxing. (oops, I just expect something silly :D)

This seafood extravaganza spaghetti is seriously yummy!

Calvin had classic chicken steak

Hot creme brulee-cino and chocolate cookies latte. Sweetness!

I love the mug! (and the person too :P)


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